The Problem

Rising Property Crime Is Eroding Public Safety
Public safety is a top priority for Washingtonians – with growing property crime impacting the public’s sense of safety in communities all across our state.
Washington has the second worst property crime in the nation – and although property crime is decreasing nationally, it is increasing here at home.
While retail theft drives the headlines, commercial businesses are increasingly targeted for property crime – 58% of retail crime is cargo and items stored outdoors in storage yards.
Like smash-and-grabs, three quarters of theft from trucks and warehouses, theft from construction sites, equipment theft, metal and vehicle theft goes unreported.
Commercial businesses are not only susceptible to property crimes like theft, vandalism, and arson, they are susceptible to repeat victimization of these crimes.
Law Enforcement Is Overwhelmed
Washington’s law enforcement officers are hardworking and dedicated, but they are vastly outnumbered – clearing only 11.8% of all reported property crimes.
Our state ranks dead last in the nation in its number of law enforcement officers per capita – and has for more than a dozen years.
Washington’s number of officers is far below the national average – to reach the national average, Washington would need to hire 8,000 officers, an increase of over 80 percent.
A massive budget deficit is looming in 2025 – yet even if lawmakers were to approve $100 million for new officer hires, Washington would still rank last in the nation.
Meanwhile, permitting delays have hampered the ability of commercial property owners to install proven on-site security measures.